Water Resources Project Expertise
Westwater has worked on a variety of water resource projects. These range from single-well assessments to regional groundwater studies covering half of Colorado.
Water Resource Market Sector Technical Experience Examples:
- Designed and managed multi-year basin-wide South Platte Decision Support System water resource investigation components for Denver Basin bedrock and South Platte alluvial aquifers; tasks included comprehensive literature review and data compilation, data gap identification, field investigation design, alluvial and bedrock well installation and aquifer testing programs, streambed conductance testing and water level monitoring. Added significant value using innovative approaches.
- Contributed to USEPA guidance documents for Carbon Capture and Sequestration.
- Evaluated high water table conditions in South Platte valley for Colorado Division of Water Resources.
- Coauthored hydrogeologic characterization of Gilcrest-LaSalle area to further understanding of high water table conditions causing property and agricultural damage.
- Inventoried, evaluated and ranked artificial recharge potential for all major Eastern Colorado aquifers.
- Identified, contacted, and recruited Colorado Front Range cooperators for collaborative data collection, sharing, and hydrologic monitoring efforts. Cooperators included federal, state & local agencies, conservation districts, businesses, and individuals.
- Groundwater quality data collection and analysis in Upper Black Squirrel Creek Basin.