Developers, Realtors & Homeowners
Westwater performs due-diligence for commercial property transactions (Phase I / II ESAs) and can assess commercial and residential water wells to evaluate the groundwater resource and diagnose water well issues. Westwater can also provide defensible baseline water level and quality data to allow later establishment of injury by new developments or industrial activity.
Westwater provides a range of services for developers, realtors, and homeowners including:
- Environmental due diligence Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments for commercial property transactions.
- Groundwater resource evaluations estimate the availability and expected longevity of commercial and residential groundwater supplies.
- Groundwater prospecting and well drilling.
- Water well maintenance and rehabilitation and pump service and lowering to improve well productivity and extend well life.
- High water table investigations and dewatering studies.
- Oil and gas pre-development (pre-fracking) baseline groundwater quality studies.
- Baseline groundwater studies to document pre-development conditions and estimate risk to water supplies prior to residential or commercial development.
- Legally-defensible groundwater quality sampling and results evaluation.
- Water quality sampling for water treatment evaluations.