A recent audit of Colorado’s Water Well Inspection Program raises concerns for domestic water well owners.
Unlike above-ground construction, once a well has been built inspection of the work that was done is difficult, if not impossible. Water well issues may go undetected until a problem arises or the well breaks down leaving the owner high and dry. Water well contractors (drillers and pump installers) are licensed in Colorado and their work sometimes inspected, however state oversight of the well drilling and pump installation industry has historically been understaffed and underfunded. The shoddy work of some contractors reached a point several years ago that prompted the industry trade group, the Colorado Water Well Contractors Association, to ask the state for improved state oversight of their industry. The CWWCA even hired a lobbyist in hopes of getting legislation passed to provide full funding for the well inspection program and improve contractor oversight. After lack of action in the legislature, the CWWCA eventually requested the state audit the well inspection program as a last resort. The state’s audit was completed in June 2019.
Key Audit Findings About Well Inspections in Colorado
- Only half the number of inspectors mandated by statute have been in the field inspecting water wells during construction and testing,
- In Fiscal Year 2018,the state’s three well inspectors only inspected 310 wells, or less than 8%, of about 4,000 wells constructed that year,
- Colorado well inspectors only inspected 7% of the “high risk” wells constructed in 2018, while inspecting many more “low risk” wells,
- Of the few wells inspected in 2018, over two thirds were never inspected during key phases of construction,
- Water well inspections were sometimes obstructed, or prevented, by drillers or well owners, and the inspectors never notified their overseeing board that they were denied access,
- The Division of Water Resources (DWR) does not monitor or enforce submittal of the work reports (well construction, pump installation, and well abandonment reports) required of contractors when well construction is complete, pumps are serviced or replaced, or wells abandoned,
- The DWR does not use water well work reports to help monitor adherence to construction requirements.
Well Inspection Recommendations
To their credit, the Colorado Division of Water Resources agreed with the auditors’ recommendations to:
- Require advance notice of key construction phases for all wells,
- Prioritize inspection of high-risk wells and of key phases of construction, and
- Use work reports to monitor compliance with construction requirements,
- Improve financial controls over the Well Inspection Cash Fund.
While there are many reputable and highly competent water well contractors in Colorado the bad actors in the industry have cast doubt on all well contractors. There is currently a bill before the legislature to fully fund the inspection program using money from the recent Proposition DD. However, over decades, many tens of thousands of water wells have been installed but never inspected and could have problems that affect the water supplies many well owners rely on.
You can find the state’s Well Inspection Program Audit Report here: https://leg.colorado.gov/audi…/water-well-inspection-program
Considering Water Well Drilling or Maintenance?
If you are drilling a new well or having your water well serviced, Westwater can either hire and oversee a qualified contractor or work with your water well contractor to make sure all work is done properly and to the highest standards.
October 17, 2019